Formalising and abstracting, much as it is a useful tool, does pose a certain threat: Look at how we count: 1 human, 2 human.... person 3, person 4... 5, 6, 7, 8


denkern for beginners

Truth ever only lies within a logic, never outside of it. - Now,  what if you have more than one logic?

The application of the knowledge you pick up here has consequences. For a deeper understanding of the why and how and a guideline in the application thereof, please read in -> Principles -> History and in -> AoK -> Biology  the insights to: What is it that makes that a poison acts as a poison?

Our worklihood is duality based – di-vision: Divide into two, take it from there and develop it: Light and dark, good and evil, 0 and 1, there and here, past and future – it is this fundamental logic that we apply to reality to create our worklihood, to make sense of it all.

Be it a tree, a business, a world, a universe, a human, a thought-model, even a word - every! system grows along a path, following a fundamental logic embedded in its seed. It can be envisoned as a field that, with the development of a path-network grows into a garden that produces fruit.

The field is what you peg from reality. The garden that grows, that which you create through your work is the worklihood. That which brings about that worklihood is the system.

This fundemental logic is applied to reality at every turn of development to make sense of reality and thus creates, differentiating more and more at every turn of development, a worklihood.

This complete logic, its ideas, its stuff and its infrastructure that moves and changes its stuff - this I name the kernel of a system. The logic-rule-set of a system I name the Ordering-Principle, the number of its applications, i.e. iterations the Ordering-Potential.

What can I  do with the kernel of a system?

  1. Check, and where necessary, repair iterational integrity.
  2. Identify and remove complications from the system.
  3. Restore complexity and thus again align the system with its purpose.
  4. Immediately recognize and eliminate Amtsschimmel , i.e. self-serving of a system. 

    Amtsschimmel is not a complication, it is more a consequence of over-iteration, where service of self overtakes service.

This concept of denkern is itself a kernel - the Ordering-Principle - of this work(-lihood) I create here. 


  • How does a universe big-bang?  - You pose a question.
  • How does a universe expand?    - You look for the answers.
  • How does a universe collapse?   - The answer is found and condenses into a seed, ready as a building block for a new universe.

This is the universe of denkern:A kernel used to create (a worklihood) becomes an Ordering-Principle.denkern itself is an Ordering-Principle, a way to make sense of reality.

The Ordering-Principle you employ determines the way you see / experience reality. That is why 42 is the answer to its own implicit question.

If there is duality / di-vision then there can be triality / trivision, there can be quartality / quadvision, there can be quintality / quintvision... - and surely more..

Any system can contain one or more Ordering-Principles (noted as OP_n), and each OP_n can be at a separate Ordering-Potential (noted as OP_n^x), like eg.:

  • OP(Human) :: OP_baking-a-cake^5, OP_rearing-children^24, OP_maths^1, OP_social-acumen^17, OP_cleaning-house^9, OP_washing^4….
  • OP(Society) :: OP_culture^128, OP_village^99, OP_infrastructure^23, OP_sustainability^42, OP_health^8, OP_food-security^56

Some Ordering-Principles:

  • OP_maths :: +1=
  • OP_city :: intersection & house
  • OP_computer :: battery & conductor & switch & load
  • OP_house :: (brick & brick) & angle
  • OP_cell :: fluid & content & skin
  • OP_human :: cell & cell & differentiation
  • OP_society :: human & human & house & computer

To further this concept we need an evolving maths :: eMath, where, as in biological systems (hydraulic logic gates), equations can evolve :: 1+1 -> (evolves into) 0, or 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, etc….

The = sign cannot find "dark" matter or energy for that matter.

Scientific facts are f-acts, Fixed Acts, an Ordering-Principle n applied, and fixed into position, basically so that you do not have to reinvent the wheel every time.

Denkern, and all that follows from it, is what you can learn here.

If you decide to partake please do so of your own accord and  self-responsibly.

denkern for beginners

Understanding grows with differentiation

Differentiating means dividing and sorting what is presented to you in your surrounding, your reality. Because you want it to make sense to you.

This dividing and sorting is done es often and according to different schema until one of the schema starts giving off some sense.

Then you start using this schema again and again and again. As you do this the degree of differentiation grows and with it the depth of your understanding and the sense that springs from it.

This repeated application of your schema brings about a system that serves your understanding and deepens your sense of the world. In this manner, by your own work, you create from the reality surrounding you your worklihood.

Typically two errors may occur during the application of your schema:

  • An error in executional integrity – it does not go according to plan. This happens either wilfully or, more often than not because of missing information. In either case the developing system is compromised. The consequences of such error, as this lies within the growth nature of these systems only show most often at a much later stage during further growth. These consequences are identifiable by “nothing makes sense” anymore.
  • An error in iterational expenditure – the schema is applied so often that the system grows beyond its service directive and starts applying itself to its own survival.
    It will serve its purpose less and less and its own self more and more. It becomes self-serving. The german language has a name for this phenomenon – Amts-Schimmel. When e.g. a bureaucracy acts in its own interests instead of those of the people who created it.

It needs to be penned: Every system has been initiated by someone. It is people that service and use systems. The system is only a tool.
This is why: Task yourself and your fellow human to hold the systems available to you responsible and in service. This you achieve by maintaining their integrity.And where this knowledge presented here is useful to you, pass it on, so that other people may pick up on it and use it for themselves.

It is from this insight that denkern grew - a discipline of thougt that captures the kernel of a system.
The kernel is that schema applied and the system that application brings about, the logic seed, if you will.

With this kernel at your disposal it becomes possible for you to proof the iterational integrity of any system quickly and efficiently and correct it where necessary just as quickly and efficiently.

If you want to go deeper down this rabbit hole, if you want to enhance your capabilities to repair system iterational integrity or to maintain system iterational integrity during growth then this is the place you should enter.

This is wherefore denkern is – maintain system iterational integrity so that it still all makes sense.

denkern is a verb, it is to be applied in everyday life. She comes as a tool-box, full of tools, each one having a distinctive name:

Kernel, Reality, Worklihood, Ordering-Protocol / Ordering-Principle, Order-Potential. These are the most important. Learn their meaning from the heart and each system will open up to you. It is the daily dance with these words that will unfold for you how far reaching denkern is.
