Only dying cultures leave traces - living cultures do not..

Visual Processing

Within the framework of OP_n^x and DnA visual processing is the folding of the string which allows for faster processing. See Principles and DnA in the blog for a deeper understanding.

This is why visual processing is so fast (see also Formalising and Abstracting) and I do this a lot, you will find its echo in all of this work. As well  the next iterations of that OP, I can "see" that happening while I am thinking, it is like a further level of folding and it is wondersome. As of yet, I cannot clad that in words - no differentiation, no understanding, but, "in the fullness of time" , an OP and some work to create this into worklihood these words will also grow and fruit.

Logic is like the pathway in a garden. Useful in getting fruit from the field. To much logic and nothing will grow on that field.